Become a Certified Passion Test for Kids & Teens Facilitator and Help Create a Better Future
Make a difference in the world by transforming young lives (and your own)
Kids often worry a lot about being accepted for who they are and as they grow they are faced with making so many decisions, some healthy, some not. So many youth don’t get the support they need to lead a purposeful and passionate life as a child and later in life.
Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among our youth. Every 10 young people out of 100,000 aged 10 – 24 are commiting suicide!
Teen suicide has become the 3rd leading cause of death globally.
Most people never take the time to figure out what it is they enjoy or the skills at which they most excel.
A recent Gallup Poll showed that only 30% of American workers are passionate about what they do. That means 70% are unhappy, unsatisfied and unfulfilled!
Imagine what it would mean to our kids, families and society if these statistics were reversed.
Authorities cite that children need 3 – 5 adult mentors other than a parent to be supportive influence in a child’s development.
When adults become involved helping youth to connect to what has purpose and meaning for them—they feel more joy in their lives watching these children thrive!
When youth are passionate about what they’re doing, they become centered, their academic achievement soars to new levels and the ‘fire within’ begins to burn. As they learn how to make life exciting and purposeful, they begin to truly value and love who they already are, the begin to envision themselves creating their own best life.
As kids grow older they are continually faced with choices, decisions and opportunities that affect the kind of life they’ll live as adults — that’s why we developed this program – to help every child follow a path to their most fulfilling and successful life!! Please make a difference by joining our mission to get this program to kids and teens in your local community now. Give our youth the prospect of unlimited possibilities to LIVE for!
With Love
Janet Bray Attwood
Co-Founder of The Passion Test for Kids & Teens Program.
NY Times bestselling co-author of,
The Passion Test – The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose, and
Your Hidden Riches – Unleashing the Power of Ritual for a Life of Meaning and Purpose

All of the above Plus the following High Value Bonuses
“The Passion Test 4 Kids & Teens and our teacher Denise has really helped me with some issues that I have felt really bad about for a long time. I feel that this weekend is one of the most amazing things I have ever done.”
Ellen, Age 15, Australia
"I learned how to express my feelings in different ways without anger or sadness. I found what I really am passionate about.”
Josie, Age 9, BC Canada
“I had so much fun, I made new friends, learned how to express my feelings and what I really want to do.”
Dylan, Age 9, Florida
“I learned what is really important to me and how to deal with my anger.”
Colorado, Age 9, BC Canada
"I found how to release stress and anger and how to accept things peacefully – let go.”
Tom, Age 17, Australia
Workshops from around the world :)

Your certification as a Passion Test for Kids and Teens Facilitator will allow you to teach The Passion Test Workshops to kids in your community - Or anywhere in the World.
You will be licensed to use Janet and Chris’s Passion Test brand, processes and materials.
And 100% of the income that you generate is yours to keep – there are no franchise fees here.
In this 4 sessions Virtual Live Certiication Course You Will:

We are thrilled that some incredibly competent people have stepped forward to make this program a reality.

Denise Fournerat
Senior Master Trainer for The Passion Test for Kids and Teens program
Denise has a deep passion for inspiring and uplifting children. In 2009 she joined forces with Janet to create powerful, effective programs for youth, and their families. With a background in nursing, early childhood education and heading up YMCA camps, Denise has a unique ability to connect on a heart level with children and adults alike.

Dr. Karin Lubin Ed.D.
Master Trainer for The Passion Test and The Passion Test for Kids and Teens program
For more than 20 years Karin Lubin has served as an elementary teacher and principal. Karin’s passion is empowering children and adults as she globetrots around the world. She inspires and loves people up so they connect to what lights them up—and find purpose and meaning for themselves. Karin’s doctoral research on servant leadership reflects her personal style of serving and leading people to become the best they can be.

Beth Lefevre
Senior Master Trainer for The Passion Test, The Passion Test for Kids and Teens and The Passion Test for Business Programs
Beth is a natural leader with more than 18 years of experience working with corporations, educational institutions and governments. She is a mother and grandmother and has delivered The Passion Test in countries all over the world in both English and Spanish.
Janet Bray Attwood
Co-Founder of The Passion Test for Kids & Teens Program.
As an expert on what it takes to live a passionate life, she has shared the stage with, The Dalai Lama, Sir Richard Branson, Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, and other top transformational leaders. She is also the co-author of The NY Times bestseller, Your Hidden Riches: Unleashing the Power of Ritual for a Life of Meaning and Purpose and From Sad to Glad: 7 Steps to Facing Change with Love and Power.
Together with her best friend and business partner, Chris Attwood, Janet has trained more than 3,00 Passion Test Facilitators around the world who share their mission to turn the passion statistics upside down.
What some of our Graduates are saying
“Recently, my students participated in an afternoon where they took the Passion Test and discovered their number one passion. The experience allowed me to learn more about my students and see the variety of passions that exist in our classroom. It was a neat experience and the kids really enjoyed the afternoon. I think it’s a good idea for students to live this type of experience in order to better understand themselves and follow their dreams in life.”
Karen, Grade 5 Teacher, Northern California
Your investment in this training & support program includes:

Prerequisite for NON Passion Test Facilitators
Pre requisite for non certified Passion Test Facilitator: Complete the online course Your Passion Plan prior to the start of the PTKT course. The Your Passion Plan course is being gifted to you as part of this course.
Once you complete enrollment into the PTKT course you will be given access to the course.
Upcoming Courses
Just click the button below to fill out a form to arrange for a chat with Senior Master Trainer Denise Fournerat to see if this program is aligned with your passions.