Become a Certified Passion Test Facilitator or Take this life changing training just for you to become an expert in living YOUR Passions!

Over a million people worldwide have already used the Passion Test to light up their lives.


See upcoming courses here

Dear Passionate Friend,

 If you know you’re meant to do more with your life, to inspire and empower others and become an even greater version of yourself, then I believe you’re here today for a reason. (And I’m SO glad you’ve found this page).

If you’re at a crossroads and you’re looking for inspiration, some of the following probably sounds familiar:

  • You’re feeling stuck in your job or career, and would be beyond thrilled if you could find a way to generate a stable income doing something you truly love.
  • You’re afraid you’re too “different,” too tired or too old, to ever break through to your “calling.”
  • Your heart, soul and spirit yearn to give something of value to others, so you can play a meaningful role in making the world a better place.
  • You know you can be more, do more, live more, and you want to accelerate your own personal growth by guiding others to do the same.
  • You’re experiencing a growing sense of time running out before you realize your full potential, but you aren’t exactly sure how and where that potential should unfold, or what to do to make it happen.
  • You’re driven by a deep knowing that you simply must take action now, that you must make a positive change in your life, before it’s too late.

I believe everything happens for a reason.

It’s no coincidence that you landed on this page today. Now is YOUR time – time for you to shift your life into another gear and fulfill the purpose for which you were born.

I’d love for you to take a moment right now to consider which path you’d like to take.

If you’re choosing the path of accelerated personal growth, ready to re-ignite your inspiration and personal power to gain more meaning and fulfillment in your life,  you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, right now. 

You’re not alone

After nearly a decade and a half of guiding thousands and thousands of amazing people all around the world through the process of clarifying their true passions, we’ve seen it all. We’ve met countless others who were standing at a personal crossroads and engaged with a similar struggle, wondering– What next? What now?

It’s not your fault if you haven’t yet discovered your most passionate life! So many of us simply wish for more, but aren’t sure how to define what we want– let alone figure out how to get it. And that’s where The Passion Test comes in.

“The Passion Test”

The Passion Test is a process for helping you get really clear on what your dreams and talents and gifts are so that you can begin the steps of manifesting your destiny. Without clarity the Universe simply doesn’t know what to give you, and you simply don’t know what to give yourself. Taking the Passion Test will bring you clarity on your top five passions, and then it will help you begin manifesting your ideal life by showing you how to work with the power of intention, how to deal with obstacles, and how to make the right decisions whenever you’re faced with a choice, decision or opportunity.

What will I get when I take “The Passion Test”

When you take The Passion Test, you will

  1. Gain clarity on the most important things in your life
  2. Know the formula for manifesting whatever you desire
  3. Learn the 7 principles for living a passionate life
  4. Create a list of your top 5 passions
  5. Discover the one secret that will guarantee you a life filled with passion and fulfillment
  6. Discover markers so the know when you are living your passions
  7. Create clarity around how to take the process forward

And you will discover the answer to common questions such as

• What can I do if I don’t seem to have any passions?
• What do I do next after identifying my top 5 passions?
• How do I reconcile passions that seem to be conflicting?
• What do I do if I simply don’t have the money to follow my passions?

I warmly welcome you to walk the path of empowerment and inspiration right alongside me and The Passion Test Family, starting right now … so you can grow into the greatest version of yourself while helping others do the same.

Come take this deeper dive into what it could mean for you to join and be supported by our global community to discover, live and sustain your most passionate life by becoming a Passion Test Facilitator. Magic happens when you allow yourself to align with your highest purpose in life.

With Love


Janet Bray Attwood

See upcoming courses here

“I’ve seen Janet Attwood speak all over the world and in every country, she has people in the palm of her hand. Each year she comes up with new talks and programs that mesmerize and engage people, helping them overcome limiting beliefs and fears to realize themselves as successful, loving, compassionate and happy people. She’s one of the master teachers on the planet today!”


Jack Canfield & Patty Aubery
Jack is the author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and Success Principles. Patty is President of Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Passions is the single most critical factor for success

Dr. Peter H. Diamandis

Founder and Executive Chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation

“I fundamentally believe that knowing ones passions is the single most critical factor for success. It is the number one thing I tell to CEOs, entrepreneurs and kids. The Passion Test is something I need to share with everybody I know.”

See upcoming courses here

Changing Your Life Requires 5 Key Elements

Clarity: You have to get crystal clear about what really matters to you and what you choose to create in your life before you can truly live it. The Passion Test does that for you.
Consistency: We call this the secret that guarantees a passionate life: “Whenever you’re faced with a choice, a decision or an opportunity, choose in favor of your passions.” Consistently choosing for what you care about most is the key. That’s why being part of The Passion Test Family of Facilitators is so important. You have others supporting you to consistently choose in favor of your passions.
Reinforcement: If your life isn’t what you want it to be now, then creating a different kind of life will require unlearning some old patterns and creating new ones. The way you do that is by reinforcing the principles for living with passion and purpose — again and again and again. When you teach those principles, you have no choice but to start living them! Even if you only take your family and friends through the Passion Test, those principles will begin to operate automatically within you. You’ll experience greater ease in life and greater satisfaction.
Team: For us T.E.A.M. stands for “Together Everyone Achieves Miracles.” We don’t know anyone who ever made the shift to a passionate turned on life by themselves. We all have times when we get discouraged. We get knocked down and we don’t know if we can get back up. At times like these, you need people around you who believe in you (even when you don’t), people who will support you to try again, people you can learn from, be inspired and encouraged to take your next step….and your next.
Commitment: This is probably the most important of all. It’s not enough to just say, “I’m committed.” You need to make a financial commitment that’s so significant you will absolutely follow through and stay the course, because you don’t want to waste your investment. This is about investing in YOU this time, making yourself a priority.

So What’s Inside This Gift-Wrapped Package called The Passion Test Facilitator Certification Program?

As you complete this initial 4 day training, you’ll gain a level of clarity too few people today actually achieve.

You’ll begin practicing consistency as you start choosing in favor of your passions. Plus, you’ll join a mastermind group with three other facilitators so you can help each other be consistent in making that choice over and over.

After you become certified in our program you’ll be able to immediately deliver Passion Test workshops and 1-on-1 consultations in which you keep 100% of what you charge. And each time you do, you’ll be reinforcing the principles of living with passion in your own life. We like to say, “you become the teacher living the teaching.”

Our facilitators tell us that after teaching the Passion Test, even for a few months, it’s no longer possible for them to do things they’re not passionate about.


You’ll not only have your weekly mastermind group of four people, but you’ll have access to weekly calls that help you connect with people in dozens of countries. It’s there you’ll get to hear about the success (and challenges!) of other facilitators, hear from amazing presenters offering you their expertise in providing their services, and learn about the new opportunities always expanding in our many programs and courses.

You’ll see and be thrilled about how you can become part of a global TEAM. Wherever you go in the world, you’ll find that Passion Test facilitators are ready to open their hearts and welcome you.

What we have seen time and time again is that when you commit yourself financially and put your money on the line, then you’ll follow through and be capable of far more than you ever thought possible. This is part of making a significant commitment to YOU and the whole world benefits from that!

We believe that becoming a Certified Passion Test Facilitator is THE most effective way to put an end to “just existing mode” and to step into a life of passion, meaning and purpose.

Thousands of participants have told us it’s the most transformational experience they’ve ever had. It’s been attended by coaches, speakers, consultants, mothers, fathers, teachers, managers and company owners.

The ranks of Certified Passion Test Facilitators include Jack Canfield (co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series), Marci Shimoff (#1 NY Times bestselling author), Joan Emery (principal of Belvedere Consultants), Jana Stanfield (recording artist), Ken Honda (Japan’s top transformational leader with over 5 million book sales), Yasuhiko Kawasaki (PhD neuroscientist and former researcher at Harvard), Bobbi DePorter (founder of the Quantum Learning Network).

The list goes on and stretches across continents!

See upcoming courses here

When You Sign Up You Will Recieve a 4 Day Course and More!

Both on location and in person four day courses and four day online courses are available throughout the year. Some prefer the in person experience while others want to learn in the comfort of their own home. Both experiences are lively, interactive and loads of fun!

You Also Receive all of the Following Continuing Education, Support and Resources:

See upcoming courses here
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FOUR Online Follow Up Sessions: After your four day course you’ll get specific strategies that help you successfully obtain 1-on-1 clients. You’ll see and hear actual demonstrations of the two 1-on-1 consultation sessions you can provide your clients. Also in these four sessions you’ll receive group coaching to support you as you begin putting into practice what you’ve learned.
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Passion Test Facilitator’s Manual: Our comprehensive manual provides you a detailed outline for delivering your Passion Test workshops and a word-for-word script for taking anyone through the two Passion Test 1-on-1 sessions.
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Weekly Facilitator Support: Deepen your knowledge with weekly 75-Minute interactive online sessions with your Passion Test Family to share successes, learn from special guest speakers. Expand your knowledge and grow your expertise as a facilitator and stay current with all the ever expanding opportunities in the Passion Test programs.
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Mastermind Group: Access to your own Mastermind Group for extra support as you get started in embodying the Passion Test principles in life and in business. We help you form a group of 3 fellow course participants, for a minimum of 4 weeks and you continue meeting for as long as you like.
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100% of the income you generate: You’ll receive Passion Test Facilitator Licensed Certification that allows you to charge a fee to teach The Passion Test process and be able to use the Passion Test trademarks and name. You keep 100% of the income you generate and you set your own prices for your workshops, book sales, one-on-one sessions.
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Referral fees: We have a variety of products or services you can offer and earn commissions on once you become a Certified Passion Test Facilitator.

All of the above Plus the following High Value Bonuses

Sad to Glad ebook: A book that introduces a simple and powerful process you will learn during the 4 day facilitator training. You can use it as a tool to work with clients (and yourself) when wanting to move from contraction to expansion again.
The Passion Test Videos: Videos of Janet and Chris delivering The Passion Test so you have a model to follow.
A Huge Menu of Marketing Support Materials: These support materials include interviews with marketing experts, press releases, email templates, brochures, flyers, forms, handouts and much more (Priceless!)
Access to a private Facebook Page just for The Passion Test Family: Share successes, inspiration and updates on what you are doing and learn from one another from around the world.
Attend a Passion Test Certification course for just the cost of materials: When you complete your training, you can attend any live or online Passion Test Certification course for just a $300 materials fee, or ASSIST at any course for FREE!
Automatic acceptance to the special Jumpstart Your Passion Test Business Program (usually by invitation only): As a special bonus, you get to participate in our exclusive Jump Start Program (Value $ 1,000)
The Passion Test Consultant certification: You will even get access to The Passion Test Consultant course for free - In this self-paced online you’ll learn a suite of tools and processes that you can use in one-on-one sessions with clients. Value $ 1497.

The Jump Start Program Consits of Five Video Lessons

See upcoming courses here
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The Idea: The idea with “Jump Start” is that you can begin enrolling people and accepting payments NOW for workshops and consultations you offer immediately after you become certified. Imagine earning back your enrollment fee before you even take the 4-day training! When you’re successful in following the guidance we provide in the Jump Start Program, you’ll have more than paid for your Certification enrollment fee, PLUS you’ll have gained valuable experience in how to generate consistent, regular income from serving your Passion Test clients.
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Your Workshops: You’ll be shown how and encouraged to sign up people so you can fill your first workshop within a month after you complete the Certification course. This means you’ll start accepting payments for your first workshop right away, immediately defraying some of your investment in becoming certified. Goal – At least 20 participants at $50 each = $1,000 (USD)
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Your Consultations: Signing up your first 10 people to take through the 2-session Passion Test consultation building up to at least 10 paid consultations of $150 each or more. Goal – At least 10 paid 2-session consultations at $150 each = $1,500 (USD)


Upon paying your tuition to become a Certified Passion Test Facilitator you do so at no risk– because you’re covered by our “From-The-Heart” 14-Day Money Back Guarantee.

The fee to become a Certified Passion Test facilitator is USD$ 2,500 and may varie from country to country. The tuition includes an in person or online 4 day transformational event, a year of weekly support and inspiration with access to the facilitator website full of resources.

You can also enjoy our premium package for $ 3,500 which also includes 100 copies of the Passion Test Book and Alliance Secrets (a great resource to support growing your business). Selling your books at cover price defrays a substantial portion of your tuition!

When you become a Certified Passion Test facilitator, remember that you set the fees you charge for workshops and private consultations and you keep 100% of the income you earn from offering The Passion Test.

Let us know of any change within 14 days of your initial registration. We care about you enough to want for you what you want for you. So if you don’t want to join The Passion Test Family, we’ll refund your investment in full.


"I had the amazing good fortune to have Janet Attwood take the Mind Share Master Mind group through the Passion Test process. I knew what these successful doctors, health experts, and entrepreneurs, though already living their passions, really wanted—Clarity! And with Janet’s help, that’s what they got! I witnessed the transformation for these people taking their next step toward creating the life, career, and impact they’d always wanted.

Yes, the Passion Test helps people find their purpose– but more than that– it helps them to get super clarity, such a gift!”

- JJ Virgin. New York Times best-selling author and founder of Mind Share Summit

Listen to some of our Certified Passion Test Facilitators

  • The Passion Test

    ““The Passion Test Facilitator Certification is truly a life changing event. At least it was for me! Spending 4 days with people from all over the world who all have the same encouraging, heartfilled, supportive, courageous & loving nature is well worth the tuition alone. It was ultimately one of the best weekends of my life. I was able to shed some limiting beliefs about my self and my life and move towards more positive ones. Janet Attwood and her wonderful Master Trainers and staff out did themselves in providing a weekend full of laughter, love and intense training you simply cannot get anywhere else in the world. Not only did I get to learn how to facilitate workshops using The Passion Test, but I learned how The Passion Test really works in my own life. It is an amazing tool I plan to use over and over again. I am honored that I am now certified to teach others how to use it as well. When you know what your passions are, the clarity it brings and the light it brings into your life is insurmountable!””

    Certified Passion Test Facilitator Burlington, WI

  • The Passion Test

    ““When I went to certification training in 2010, I had no idea it would change my life forever. I went with my 16 year old daughter, knowing learning this message would be a great bonding experience for her and I. I left with a whole new lease on life and a state of peace I had never known before. I now live my life teaching this amazing yet simply philosophy to others. Teaching others helps me be a better person and helps me live the philosophy more fully in my life – I love what I do and so can you. My focus is no longer on money; it’s on living a better life. It’s on using my skills, talents and love to help others. When I am living in my integrity doing just that – the money comes with ease.””

    Certified Passion Test Facilitator, Byron MN

  • The Passion Test

    ““The Passion Test certification was on my short list of best life experiences (and I have been fortunate to have many great experiences). It was wonderful to be with fabulous, likeminded, loving people. I have done a lot of facilitation and was able to learn many new skills to be even more effective in front of a group as well as great life skills. The Passion Test has by far been the best in helping me connect with my life passions. I thought last year was in the “best ever” category and now find I have more energy to build my consulting practice in ways that will be even more fulfilling and help others to have the same experience.””

    Certified Passion Test Facilitator, Toronto, Canada

  • The Passion Test

    “Your life will change in a big way, if you can be open and vulnerable to share your authentic self, you will change the world!”

    Certified Passion Test Facilitator

  • The Passion Test

    “This program is a delight! I love the loving, non-judgmental and supportive environment! It’s great for learning.”

    Certified Passion Test Facilitator

  • The Passion Test

    “I was questioning my life and wondering if this is all there is to live for. This course provided me the missing piece, my passions! My life has forever been changed!”

    Certified Passion Test Facilitator

  • The Passion Test

    “The Passion Test Certification is a dynamic program that helped me become inspired as the author of my life and purpose. I would recommend it to anyone!”

    Certified Passion Test Facilitator


We’re committed to your success!

We designed this program thoughtfully and carefully to enable you to earn your investment back and begin making money in as little as 3 months. As with all programs of this nature, the rate at which you begin earning an income is up to you and what you put into your business.

We’ll give you the training, support and resources you need to succeed, and the rest is up to you.

Passion Test Facilitators are accepted by application only. Please only apply if becoming a facilitator is a passion for you. Once you complete the online application on the next page, we’ll contact you to discuss the investment and payment plan options and work together with you to make your dream come true.

With Love


Janet Bray Attwood

P.S. Here are additional ways to serve people, business-builders and youth through our programs that may interest you:

  • If interested in applying these principles to your business and helping other businesses go here
  • If interested in supporting our youth go here

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If you have any questions about this course and need more details, then please click on the bottom below to fill out a short form. Then we will get in contact with you.

Click here to ask your questions

"Over the years I’ve known Janet Attwood I’ve seen so many people benefit from her programs and classes. She teaches people how to experience more passion, more drive, more motivation, more happiness, and more empowerment, particularly for women. I highly recommend her programs!”Testimonial about Janet Bray Attwood."

- Dr. John Gray
Author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

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