Introducing a Flagship Program from NY Times Best Selling Author, Janet Bray Attwood:
Identify Your Top 5 Passions And Start Building A Life Of True Fulfilment
Gain Clarity and Start Living a Life Guided by Your Passions in This Proven 14-Step System for Living a Life According to What Matters Most to You
What if you woke up everyday feeling passionate about your life?
Imagine if you no longer experienced feelings of unfulfillment, frustration or getting stuck in that ‘black cloud’ of depression or burnout. Imagine if you felt energized and excited about your life, each and every day.
You wouldn’t be stuck in a career or relationship where you feel empty. You’d be enjoying a full, rich, joyful life.
You wouldn’t spend years missing out on being a conscious creator of your life. At your best, you would be living and working 100% from your passions.
Imagine if all of these scenarios came true. In this new reality, you would be truly fulfilled – your life would have deep, unshakable meaning.
Over the past 20+ years, I’ve helped make this reality a possibility for over 1 million people worldwide.
When you take the right steps in the right sequence, this reality can finally happen for you, too.
The answer to unfulfillment may not be what you think
Nowadays, most people mistakenly believe that feeling frustrated, bored, or even deeply unhappy with your life is normal.
If you’ve fallen for this trap, remember that it’s not your fault. The pressure to blindly keep doing what you’re doing (even if it’s not working) is deeply ingrained into our society.
The good news is, feeling fully alive, enjoying meaningful work and relationships, and experiencing true self-love isn’t just possible, it's what we help people like you achieve.
Here’s the truth: it is always possible to live a more passion-led life..
Make no mistake: you no longer have to spend a lifetime feeling frustrated, overworked, or depressed knowing that you’re not aligned with what you truly care about in life. You just need to complete 14 lessons to learn how to truly live from your passions every single day.
Are you ready to discover your true passions, and learn how to live the most wildly joyful, fulfilled, and meaningful life possible?
What this program can do for you!
“I was amazed at the process – the simplicity and power of it. It has supported me in being much clearer in my daily priorities – brilliant!”
D. C. Cordova
CEO and co-founder Excellerated Business Schools
“From a neurological perspective, The Passion Test is a powerful and compassionate tool that will help you to focus and strengthen your brain so that you can realize your innermost dreams.”
Mark Waldman
Associate Fellow Center For Spirituality and the Mind, University of Pennsylvania and Co-Author, Born to Believe
This is the step-by-step guidance you need to experience a deep, moment-by-moment connection to the things you care most about, so you feel fulfilled, grateful, and empowered to consciously create the life of your dreams!
“When I did the work on discovering your passion with Chris and Janet in a workshop, I wasn’t expecting that much to happen because I am already living my passion — teaching others about how to become more successful.
However, their powerful process took me to an even deeper place, where I realized I was not spending enough time with my true number one passion — my family! That realization, and the other work they did with me, has changed the way I have lived the past year.”
Jack Canfield
Co-Creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series
This Program Is For You If Any Of The Following Sound Familiar

We know how it feels
To wake up every morning dreading different aspects of your day, dragging yourself out of bed, and wishing for something more … but being unsure of exactly what it is or how to find it.
It feels like you’re floating down the rough waters of a fast river, crashing into the rocks and branches on the river’s edge, right?
It doesn’t have to be this way
When you are clear on – and connected to – your passions, you are aligned with your life’s purpose, and every part of your life begins to blossom!
You feel as though you’re flowing down the center of that same fast river, effortlessly, quickly, with the focus that keeps you moving smoothly along. This can be your reality, starting right now!
When You Enroll You Will

Bonuses Included When You Join Today
Bonus #1: Discover Your Passion (Worth $497)
The ultimate system designed to help you uncover your passions and create a roadmap for living them every day.
Bonus #2: Transcripts for each session (Value $49)
Never miss a detail with full session transcripts, making it easy to review key insights and strategies at your own pace.
Bonus #3: Downloadable mp3 Version of the lessons (Value $99)
Learn on the go with downloadable MP3s—perfect for fitting valuable lessons into your busy schedule, anytime, anywhere.
Bonus #4: Janet’s Wisdom + 30 videos and Interviews with influential people (Value $197)
A Collection of 25+ Videos and 6 Interviews, featuring Brendon Burchard, Roger Hamilton and Jack Canfield, to name a few
Bonus #5: The Enlightened Bestseller ebook (Value $9.97)
A guide to what it takes to create your own bestselling book.
You're Protected With Our 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
I know that this is a significant investment in yourself and your future. You might not be sure that this program will work or what makes it so different from the other things you may have tried in the past. That’s perfectly understandable.
To prove that this will be the single best investment you can make for yourself and your potential, you’re eligible for our 14-day money-back guarantee as soon as you enroll.
If you are unhappy, or you don’t feel this is the right program for you, then you’ll receive a 100% refund on the program. There are no tricks or hidden cancellations pages, just email our team at and we’ll immediately arrange your refund.
Once you join today and get started with Your Passion Plan, the guarantee will automatically apply.
What You Get When You Enroll Today
- The Complete Passion Roadmap Program ($299 Value)
- 7 Special LIVE Lessons with Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood ($499 value):
- Getting Crystal Clear on Your Passions
- Unraveling Your Limiting Beliefs
- Discovering What You Can Get Paid for that the World Needs, Uses Your Natural Talents and Skills, and is Aligned with Your Passions
- Creating a Comfortable Ride Through Life’s Inevitable Challenges
- Creating the Vision for Your Life
- Your Action Plan Process for Creating the Life You’ve Dreamed of and Keeping It Updated
- How to Tie It All Together
- Bonus #2: Downloadable Transcripts for each lesson (Worth $49)
- Bonus #3: MP3 Versions of all lessons (Worth $99)
- Bonus #4: Janet’s Wisdom + 30 videos and Interviews with influential people (Worth $197)
PLUS - Lifetime Access to the Entire Program, LIVE Session Recordings and all Bonuses
- 14-Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee
$1,143 of value
for only
(Payment Plan Option Available)
It’s time to take control of your life, moment-by-moment, step-by-step, and day-by-day… and I’ll be there with you every step of the way, supporting you as you move closer to your perfect, ideal life!
With Love
Janet Bray Attwood
NY Times bestselling co-author of The Passion Test - The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose, &
Your Hidden Riches - Unleashing the Power of Ritual to
Create a Life of Meaning and Purpose