Passion Test Consultant Certification
Online Certification to Take Clients Through the #1 Tool Used Worldwide to Discover Passion and Purpose
Today over a million people worldwide have taken the Passion Test to discover their passions and connect with their life purpose. Over 4,500 Passion Test facilitators in more than 65 countries use the Passion Test to help their clients discover their passions and to design a personalized coaching program based on their clients passions.
If you're a coach or consultant, the Passion Test Consultant Certification will give you everything you need to build a trusted relationship with your clients based on the things they care most deeply about.
Through this course, you’ll learn a suite of tools and processes that you can use in one-on-one sessions with clients that will help them live more fulfilled, joyful, and engaged lives. In addition, we encourage you to use these tools and incorporate them into your own life. As you see how powerful they can be from your own personal experience, you will become a passionate advocate of their value to your clients.
What will you learn?

Your instructors are the co-authors of the New York Times bestselling book, Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood. In addition to training more than 4,500 Passion Test facilitators in more than 65 countries, Janet and Chris arranged 70% of the interviews for the hit movie, "The Secet."
Get prepared to see your life transform as you use these tools and through you, to see the lives of your clients begin to be lit up and on fire.
Questions about this program? Please reach out to us!