Your 10X Formula:
Increase your name recognition and crediblity with your clients
Based on your quiz results, the strategy that best suits you right now is to increase your name recognition. Who hasn't heard of Tony Robbins or Martha Beck or Brendon Burchard or Marci Shimoff? The most successful life coaches are known--through their books, their TV appearances, or their public appearances.
Of all the methods of increasing your credibility with potential clients, in today's world, the simplest and easiest is to become a bestselling author. Yes, you need good content. No, you don't have to love to write. As long as you have content that you know changes people's lives, you can hire writers if you need to.
When your clients trust that you have knowledge that will help them overcome their challenges and live life full out, then they will sign up for more sessions. A book on a topic that faces many of your clients makes you the "expert" in that area. A book provides instant credibility. And with all the publishing options available today, it is quite easy, with a little guidance, to both write a book and get it on the bestseller lists.
Think of any successful transformational leader/coach--Jack Canfield, John Gray, Lisa Nichols, Janet and Chris Attwood, Marci Shimoff, Brendon Burchard, Don Miguel Ruiz, Lynne Twist--they all have at least one bestselling book and often several. That's not an accident. A book allows you to build trust with your potential clients. They get to know you through your writing and naturally they want to engage more with you.
But how do you get your book published? What are the best ways to organize your writing? What are the steps required to get your book into bookstores? How do you market your book? What does it take for your book to become a bestseller?
Here are a few tips to get you started:
- Write an ebook first to start building your audience--It doesn't do any good to write a great book if no one reads it, right? A full-length self-help book is usually about 50,000 - 60,000 words, around 250 pages. But an ebook can be 10,000 - 15,000 words and allow you gather an audience for your topic. For example, the #1 bestseller, Who Moved My Cheese? was only 10,000 words (and that was the whole book!!). That's the equivalent of about four good articles. Achievable, right? So start with an ebook, go to (Kindle Direct Publishing) to learn how to put it up on and you've gotten a great start!
- Start helping others out--When your book comes out, you're going to need support from as many colleagues as you can get. You've heard that saying, "What goes around, comes around." For three years before our book, The Passion Test, was ever published, we did everything we could to help out people in our industry. We made hundreds of really good friends. When we finally asked them if they would help promote our book, what did they say? Yes, I'd be happy to!
- Go to a bookstore and review the other books in your category--If you're going to write a book, you need to know what others have said on your topic. Otherwise, your readers won't trust that you know what you're talking about. In addition, when you get to the point of writing a book proposal for a publisher, they're going to see at least 4-5 very successful books in your topic area. That section of the proposal is called your "Comparative Analysis" (sometimes it's called "Competitive Analysis, by we like "Comparative" better). That shows them that this is a topic readers are interested in.
Dear Aspiring Author,
Is there a book inside of you waiting to be born or a message that you know in your heart needs to reach millions of lives? Do you want to build your credibility with your clients? Then I have a special and unique invitation for you—an invitation to step into your new life—the life you’ve been secretly dreaming about.
There are times when all of us wish we could have a “do-over.” Times when you realize that you’ve spent years doing things that may pay you well, but still leave you feeling like something essential is missing.
You have unique gifts to give the world that only you can give and that little voice inside you is trying to tell you – IT’S TIME TO GET OUT AND SHARE YOUR GIFTS!!
That's the way I felt...
. . . years ago when I left my six-figure executive position with the third largest book buyer in the U.S. to strike out on my own. Well, not quite on my own—I convinced my brilliant ex-husband and best friend, Chris Attwood, to join me. To be honest, I was scared to death. I didn’t know what I was doing or what to do first.
But I’d been inspired by the success of my dear friend, Marci Shimoff. Even then she had sold millions of books and was a #1 NY Times bestselling author. Today she has written 9 books that have spent a total of 118 weeks on the NY Times bestseller list and her books have sold more than 15 million copies. If she could do it, maybe I could too!
Marci had gotten her start by partnering with Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen to write Chicken Soup for the Women’s Soul. Following in her footsteps, Chris and I had the good fortune to team up with Mark Victor Hansen and another #1 NY Times bestselling author, Robert Allen, when they were working on a book together. Fortunately for us, these two are incredible marketers and with them we created the “Enlightened Millionaire Program.”
We learned a great deal during the time we spent with Mark and Bob. Among other things we discovered that both Chris and I have a talent for connecting people. So it’s not surprising that we called our business, “Enlightened Alliances.” We used that talent as leverage while I wrote the first version of our book, The Passion Test. It was an e-book to start. We sold copies in conjunction with our monthly teleseminars. That gave us enough money to rewrite the book and self-publish it. Using our knowledge for creating alliances, we launched the book in 2005 in one hour it became a #1 Barnes and Noble bestseller. A day later it also became a #1 bestseller.
That was enough to get us a top literary agent and with her help, a high, six-figure publishing deal, a rare event for first time authors. How cool is that?! In 2007, the Penguin Group published The Passion Test in hardcover and that’s when it became a NY Times bestseller, spending three weeks on that prestigious list. We started training Passion Test facilitators and now we have 4,500+ in more than 65 countries. The Passion Test was featured in the cover story of “O” Magazine and in Success Magazine, among many others. Thanks to our book, I've gotten incredible speaking opportunities, sharing the stage with people like the Dalai Lama, Sir Richard Branson, Tony Hsieh, former CEO of Zappo's, Stephen Covey, Jack Canfield, Robert Kiyosaki, Brendon Burchard, and many more. by editing it directly on this page.
But Let's Talk about You...
When you started your career, you probably were thinking most about getting a job that would give you and your family security. Your primary criteria may have been, how much will it pay, what are the opportunities for advancement, and what kind of benefits do they offer. Sound familiar?
But if you’re like me, after making a great living, advancing to positions of responsibility and enjoying the respect of your colleagues, you knew it wasn't enough. You knew you have "something" inside of you that needs to be shared with others. So you became a coach and hopefully, you've had success in helping many people, but you know you could be helping so many more.
When I was going through that, I wasn’t even sure what that “something” was. But I knew I would never discover it by staying in my cushy job. I had this vague idea that I wanted to be a “transformational speaker.”
I wasn’t quite sure what I’d talk about, but I knew that I loved being in front of people. It wasn’t until my partners came to me one day during one of our seminars for the Enlightened Millionaire Program and told me, “Janet, something has come up so we won’t be able to be at the event tomorrow, you’ll have to present,” that my long time fantasy suddenly became a reality.
I had no idea what I was going to present to those 500 people, until I remembered this little process I called “The Passion Test.” I’d created it years ago to get me out of the hell I’d been living in and shared it with a few friends over the years. Chris and I stayed up late into the night putting together a PowerPoint presentation and the next day I became a “transformational speaker.”
I got a standing ovation, recognized what it felt like to be living my passions full out, and a global phenomenon was born.
Over the years, Chris and I have not only made The Passion Test a global brand, but in 2014 we launched our most recent book, Your Hidden Riches - Unleashing the Power of Ritual to Create a Life of Meaning and Purpose which became a New York Times bestseller the first week it came out.
Chris lives in Europe and I spend at last a third of my time there. I also spend several months each year in Asia. Our books and coaching success that has come from that has given us the life we always dreamed about and we want that for you.
We've not only enjoyed are own success, but we've also worked privately with some amazing people and helped them create massively successful books and businesses as well:
Rhonda Byrne was one of our students. Working with us, she was able to create alliances that allowed her dream to become reality. Today her movie, The Secret, has enjoyed over $200 million in sales and her book has sold over 30 million copies.
"I enrolled in Chris and Janet Attwood’s Alliance Secrets program when I was in pre-production for The Secret. I had determined that I would use The Secret to make The Secret…that’s to say I would attract all of the greatest minds to help me bring this overwhelming vision to the screen and to the world. And as all these wonderful people began to emerge, Alliance Secrets came to the fore, allowing me to create deep, rewarding, and mutually beneficial, long-term relationships with each and every one of them, that continue to this day."
Rhonda Byrne, Creator and Executive Producer of 'The Secret'
T. Harv Eker approached us when we were running the Enlightened Millionaire program. Working with Harv we helped him design and test the strategy he used to drive his book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, to the top of the New York Times bestseller list and made his company, Peak Potentials Training, the fastest growing training company in North America.
"Through my alliance with Janet & Chris I was able to bring thousands of students into my organization in the U.S. which has produced millions of dollars in revenue."
T. Harv Eker #1 NY Times bestselling author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Tellman Knudson was a kid working out of his living room when we met him and took him on as a client. As a result of working with us, he was able to create a $10 million a year Internet marketing business.
Both of us have seen it again and again, with the right contacts, some experienced guidance, a clear plan, and a heart filled with passion, it’s possible to create magic and see a business multiply its results by 10, 20, or even 100’s of times. That’s why we decided to work with coaches and aspiring authors to help people like you design your breakthrough strategy.
By now, we've guided more than 250 aspiring authors. Over 100 of them have published their own books and are bestselling authors. Ellen Rogin has taken our training and coaching to become a New York Times bestselling author in her own right with her book Picture Your Prosperity.
Any serious author knows a book is also the path to freedom
It will give you the freedom to determine when you want to work, where you want to work and with whom you want to work. It gives you the chance to really focus on things you love, helping others learn from your wisdom and experience, and it establishes you as an expert in your field, so people start beating a path to your door. And done properly, it can give you financial freedom as well.
That freedom allows us to travel the world and allows Chris to spend half the year in Germany with his beautiful wife. A book can also be a stepping-stone to a professional speaking career, if you want it. Marci has earned millions of dollars in speaking fees over her career, driven by the success of her books, and she’s excited to be able to share her knowledge with you during this special event. If you’ve been successful in the past, you know . . .
The value of a clear plan
We helped Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen sell 80,000 copies of their book, The One Minute Millionaire. We helped T. Harv Eker design the strategy that has led his book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, to over a million sales. We worked with Rhonda Byrne to create the content for her book, The Secret, which has enjoyed over 30 million sales. Will you let us help you?
If you are going to take the courageous step of starting a career as an author/expert/speaker, we recommend you have a plan in place that will guide you along the path to an income that is as much or more than you are earning now. It can be scary to go out on your own. Doesn’t it make sense to be thoroughly prepared when you decide to take this step? During this self-paced online course you'll learn how to create a crystal clear plan for your non-fiction self-help or “how-to” book and speaking career.
Why a Book or a Speaking Career?
If you’re successful, you have expertise, knowledge and experience others can benefit from, and there is no better way to establish yourself as a respected authority than by writing a book.
It gives you instant credibility
It gives you instant respect
It establishes you as someone others can learn from
It gives you the opportunity to help a massive number of people by sharing your message with them
Imagine Learning with Other Aspiring Authors . . .
From 2 NY Times bestselling authors who have managed five different major book launches, have developed multiple products and programs to monetize their knowledge, and have created alliances, partnerships and friendships with most major players in the transformational world and many in the online marketing world
Brainstorming with a small group of exceptional entrepreneurs on your challenges (both inner and outer) and how to overcome them
Identifying and getting access to key contacts that can make the crucial difference to your successGetting the insider knowledge that to help you build a successful speaking career from two professional speakers who between them have more than 40 years experience
You'll Learn What Few New Authors Know . . .
- The key lessons we have gained as we have launched books, new products, and obtained speaking engagements
- The inside scoop on what it takes to create a #1 bestseller online, and what additional steps are necessary to reach the top of the New York Times and other bestseller lists
- Direct access to our Writing & Publishing Contact List – You'll have all the contacts you need to bring your dream to reality
- Publish or Self-Publish - How do you decide? You'll understand the benefits and drawbacks of both
- Direct access to our Power List of contacts – we will give you a list of resources to help you bring your dream into reality
- What's required to effectively launch your book
- The keys to creating alliances and partnerships to extend your reach
- And much more . . .
We know what works and what doesn’t. We know what approaches are worth trying and which ones are dead ends. We know who the movers and shakers are in this industry and what it takes to partner with them. We will share it all with you and will do everything and anything we can that we believe could help you move from where you are to a life giving your gifts and having a ton of fun doing it.
Janet Bray Attwood
Janet Bray Attwood is a visionary, a transformational leader, and a world humanitarian. She travels the globe, supporting people in all walks of life, in knowing their personal greatness.
Janet is the co-author of the New York Times bestseller, The Passion Test – The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose and Your Hidden Riches - Unleashing the Power of Ritual to Create a Life of Meaning and Purpose. She and Chris have trained 1,300 Passion Test Facilitators in 50 countries around the world. Janet is a creative genius. She’s the idea person on the Attwood team and Chris will be the first to tell you that all of the great ideas we’ve implemented started with a spark from Janet.
She came up with the idea for The Passion Test, The Passion Test Certification Program, The PT for Business, The PT for Kids and Teen Programs, and so much more. She’s excited and ready to put her thinking cap on for you!
Janet has spoken on how to discover passion and purpose throughout the world and has shared the stage with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Dr. Stephen Covey, Richard Branson, Nobel Peace Prize winner F.W. de Klerk, Jack Canfield, Tony Hsieh, Rev. Michael Beckwith and many others. She is also a founding member of all three of the main industry associations for transformational leaders: the Transformational Leadership Council, the Speaker’s and Author’s Networking Group (SANG) and the Expert’s Industry Association.
In addition, she and her business partner, Chris Attwood, arranged 70% of the interviews done for the hit movie, The Secret. Janet is a living example of what it means to live with an open heart and mind and her acute ability to listen to her intuition creates magic!
Chris Attwood
Chris Attwood is co-author of the New York Times bestseller, The Passion Test – The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose and Your Hidden Riches – Unleashing the Power of Ritual to Create a Life of Meaning and Purpose.
He is the master strategist and implementer on the Attwood team. He makes things happen. Janet’s great ideas have come to fruition because of Chris’ skill in execution. Chris an expert in the field of human consciousness and is also deeply grounded in the practical world of business.
Over the past 30 years, Chris has been CEO or senior executive of fifteen companies. He has sold millions of dollars in consulting and training services to companies like Ford Motor Company, Dell Computer, Sprint, Royal Bank of Canada, Mellon Bank and others.
During the past ten years he has become one of the leading trainers and authors in the transformational industry, having co-created programs such as the Enlightened Millionaire Program and the Alliance Secrets Program, and co-founded Healthy Wealthy nWise magazine, an online magazine when Time only had a splash page and ran the Passion podcast series with Janet before there were podcasts.
He is a founding member of the Transformational Leadership Council and has helped arrange many of the major strategic alliances in the transformational industry. Chris is an expert in creating “enlightened alliances,” having, with Janet, arranged 70% of the interviews for the movie phenomenon, The Secret, and in creating the alliance relationships that launched #1 NY Times bestselling author, T. Harv Eker, in the United States.
Chris is committed to the experience and expression of the unlimited potential of the heart and mind. It is this commitment that weaves throughout his courses and workshops.
The Core Lessons
Lesson 1 - Target Your Market and Clarify Your Message
Books that try to appeal to everyone are generally read by almost no one. The clearer your target, the more focused your message, the more successful your message. In this lesson, we'll guide your through identifying your target readers, creating your reader avatar, and creating a clear message that will appeal to them.
Lesson 2 - Building Your Platform Starting Now!
Your book is just one way to deliver your message. To make your book successful, you need a platform that allows you to reach large numbers of people. In this session, we'll guide you through how to identify the best ways to expand your reach for your book.
Lesson 3 - Tips and Tools to Make Writing Easy
For some of us, sharing our message is easy, but writing our book is hard. In this session, we'll give you tools and techniques to overcome writer's block, structure your book, organize your content, and make writing fun.
Lesson 4 - Finding an Agent and a Publisher
When you've built your platform and established your message, how do you find a great agent and get a publisher to publish your book? What can you expect from your publisher? How will having a commercial publisher help you expand your reach? We'll answer all these questions and more.
Lesson 5 - Creating Alliances to Leverage Your Reach
Let's face it. You can't create a bestselling book on your own. How do you build the relationships that will help you launch your book and extend its reach? How do you know who to partner with? How do you get in the door with people who are really busy or so famous they seem untouchable? This session will cover everything you need to know about creating the alliances that can ensure your book's success.
Lesson 6 - How to Launch Your Book
You've written your book. You've got your publisher. You've created alliances. Now how do you hit the bestseller lists? You'll need to sell 12,000 - 15,000 books in one week to even be considered for the New York Times bestseller list. How do you make sure you can do that? This session will give you the tools you need to create a hugely successful book launch.
Lesson 7 - How You Make Money as an Author . . . Creating Your Backend
Sorry to disappoint, but it's unlikely that you'll become wealthy as an author. If you want to create an income that will sustain you from sharing your message, you have to create a backend. In this session, we'll guide you through what that requires and how to create a structure that will generate a substantial income for many years.
The Bonus Lessons
The Secrets of Persuasive Story-Telling with Carol Kline, Top writer for Jack Canfield, Gay Hendricks, Marci Shimoff and others (Value: $97)
Making an Impact with PR with two separate interviews, one with Dean Draznin and the other with Jackie Lapin, both heads of leading PR agencies (Value: $194)
What Publishers are Looking For with two separate interviews, one with Rick Frishman, Publisher of Morgan James Publishing and David Hancock, CEO and Founder of Morgan James Publishing (Value: $194)
How My First Book Became a #1 New York Times Bestseller with Penache Desai, author of Discovering Your Soul Signature (Value: $97)
How I Became a New York Times Bestselling Author with Ellen Rogin, NY Times bestselling author of Picture Your Prosperity (Value: $97)
Prepare Yourself for the Media with Shawne Duperon, Media Coach(Value: $97)
Inside the Publishing Industry with Scott Hoffman, co-founder of Folio Literary Services, one of the largest and most successful New York literary agencies (Value: $97)
Total Value of the Bonus Interviews: $1,773
PLUS you'll get these additional resources . . .
Contact List with All the Resources You'll Need to Write, Publish, and Promote Your Book--Including editors, social media experts, PR experts, media coaches, marketing training, graphic designers, and much more
Techniques for Overcoming Writer's Block--What 12 famous writers say works for them to overcome writer's block
7 Insider Secrets for Creating a Successful Online Business--Chris Attwood teaches this easy-to-follow course with the essentials for monetizing your message online
How to Create a Great Query Letter--Get the scoop on how to pitch your book to literary agents and publishers
Two kinds of coaches will benefit from this experience. Which are you?
- “I know my message, but I need help making the right connections and guidance in how to put it all together.”OR . . .
- “I know that what I’m doing isn’t cutting it, but I need help to figure out what my message really is and how to make the transition out of what I’ve been doing for so long into the life I dream of living.”
Whatever your situation, this course is for coaches who have both the courage and humility to ask for help. To this end, here’s what’s required to qualify for this amazingly complete bestseller course:
- Commitment – You must be fully committed to your own success and to following through to put into practice the proven strategies and ideas that we have honed over many years of hands-on experience.
- Full Participation – You must be willing and able to go through each lesson, listen to every interview to get the most from this program. You should have a burning desire to make a difference in the lives of others, and the perseverance to make it through the challenges along the way.
- Self-Starter – Successful entrepreneurs don't have a boss telling them what to do and when to do it. This special self-paced course will give you all the tools you need as long as you set a schedule for reviewing the lessons, doing the homework, and completing the exercises.
- Heart of a Giver – We are givers by nature and that’s who we are interested in serving. You must love to help others and be committed to that path. It’s even possible that you are so committed to helping others that you need some help to make sure you give to yourself as well. No worries. We can support you in that.
- Open – You must be open to new ways of thinking and being. You must be willing and able to stand in the fire of your own discomfort to make the changes you need to make to create your new life and to take your coaching practice to a new level.
We’re So Proud to See Many of Our Students Publish Their Books…
Here are a Few:
Your Success is Our Success
We can’t wait to see what you are going to create that will give you the chance to experience that incredibly magical feeling of hitting the ball out of the park with all the bases loaded! But that will only happen when you take action and click below to apply for this remarkable Create Your Bestseller course.
Others have enjoyed massive success from working with us. Will you be our next success story?
With all my love and appreciation,

P.S. If you’re excited and can see the possibilities for creating the kind of life you want to live, then don’t wait. Click the button above to enroll now!