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How to Thrive
in the Midst of Crisis
How to Claim Your Inspiring Book Launch Bonus Gifts from the Authors
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(Choose as many as you like—or all of them!)
The authors are offering special bonus gifts to celebrate the book's release. Simply order your copy of Awakening the Amazing in You today and enter your purchase info at the top of this page. Then choose as many of these valuable free gifts as you feel drawn to.
BONUS 1: "I Want for You What You Want for You" eBook from Janet Bray Attwood
21 daily audio meditations to culture unconditional love, for yourself and those you care most about. Includes beautiful complimentary ebook.
BONUS 2: "From Sad to Glad" eBook
from Chris Attwood
"An incredibly fun, practical, and helpful book for restoring joy when it is lost!" —Dr. John Gray, #1 NY Times bestselling author of Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus
BONUS 3: "Reinventing Remarkable" eBook
from Ratika Hansen
This guidebook is the chapter companion that will help you set your own Reinventing Remarkable plan in motion. It offers a simple and insightful step-by-step process and includes prompting questions, inspirational quotes, links to tried-and true resources, and room to organize your thoughts.
BONUS 4: "Connecting with the Present Moment"
eBook from Catherine Allon
In this charming little pocket book you'll discover how to integrate awareness into daily living using the Radical Awakening process. It also includes a parable on awakening for children.
BONUS 5: "5 Keys to Master Your Energy and Your Mind"
eBook from Debra Eklove
In this ebook you will discover easy and useful tools to optimize your energy, get your body stronger, and make more choices that are in your best interests. Imagine being able to smile and be relaxed throughout the day, regardless of the stress and changes that happen. Imagine never having to beat yourself up for things you wish you had done, or things you did.
BONUS 6: eBook & Companion Course to “The Journey To Happy – How Embracing The Concept That Nothing Is Wrong Can Transform Your Life” from Debra Stangl
Learn how to get happy and transform your body, your money situation, your work, and your relationship. Embrace the concept of nothing is wrong and use the 9 Stepping Stones to take you from unhappy to ecstatic in every area of your life!

BONUS 7: Your Personal Happiness Meditation
from Doris Slongo
This downloadable MP3 happiness meditation and practice is a high way to connect with your innate happiness potential and bring it into your daily life. By using this short meditation on a daily basis you will become more peaceful and content and, as a result, more successful in your life.
BONUS 8: Complimentary 30 Minute BIG IDEA session and eBook, "The Power of Charms"
from Kay McDonald
Brainstorm with Kay in this complimentary 30-minute consultation to flush out your BIG PURPOSEFUL IDEA, and receive a complimentary copy of her book, The Power of Charms.

BONUS 9: "The Search for Higher Self" eBook from James Buffalo Moreno
A whimsical tale for the curious mind, you'll enjoy reading this lighthearted story of the inner workings of finding meaning in life.

BONUS 10: "The Jaimes Primer: First Moon with Mister Jaimes" from Rolf Erickson
A funny and touching collection of stories. Jaspar Jaimes is a character from another planet who has come to Earth and blogs by the cycles of the moon. Mister Jaimes seeks answers to what he calls the Timeless Eternal Questions: “Who am I? From where did I come? And why am I here?”
Bonus 11: "Mastering the First Steps to Successfully Sell Anything with Ease, for Entrepreneurs and Coaches" from Sue Shalley
In this 10-page PDF, sales coach, Sue Shalley shows you how to gain the confidence to speak to anyone and ask for their business.

Bonus 12: "Self-Love" Group & Discovery Session from Betsy Saris
Do you find yourself often saying "yes" when you truly wanted to say "no,?” Get free access to this special Facebook group to get support and ideas PLUS a free discovery session with Self-Love facilitator, Betsey Sarris. Find out where you’re not loving yourself and how to change those old patterns.

Bonus 13: Overcoming Trauma with Cinematic Memories from MaryLynn Navarro
20-minute complimentary mentoring session on your creative goals ($50 value) PLUS a 60% Discount to the first 10 who sign up for this session: Introductory 6-week course on Writing Cinematic Memories & other somatic techniques to transform trauma into a creative writing product.

Choose as many of these bonus gifts as you like. We hope you enjoy reading Awakening the Amazing in You.