Alliance Secrets: How to Create Enlightened Alliances

You are about to learn the secrets that have allowed us to make The Passion Test a New York Times bestseller, to help "The Secret" reach millions of people, generate millions of dollars for our business, and create alliances with Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Marci Shimoff, Jay Abraham, T. Harv Eker, Rhonda Byrne, Robert G. Allen, Stephen M.R. Covey, John Assaraf, John Gray, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Byron Katie, Pakistani superstar Eram Saeed, and many others at the top of their fields.

Not many people realize that we introduced 70% of the teachers featured in the hit movie “The Secret” to the executive producer, Rhonda Byrne.

The Passion Test

“I enrolled in Chris and Janet Attwood’s Alliance Secrets program when I was in pre-production for The Secret. I had determined that I would use The Secret to make The Secret…that’s to say I would attract all of the greatest minds to help me bring this overwhelming vision to the screen and to the world. And as all these wonderful people began to emerge, Alliance Secrets came to the fore, allowing me to create deep, rewarding, and mutually beneficial, long-term relationships with each and every one of them, that continue to this day.”

Creator/Executive Producer THE SECRET

The Key to Quickly Growing Any Business is to Create “Enlightened Alliances”

Our background helped us appreciate the incredible power to accomplish almost anything, which becomes possible by connecting with the right person or people.  Joint ventures and alliances are arguably the most powerful leverage that any entrepreneur can use to catapult their business to the top of the heap.

Think about it. What is the most outrageous goal or desire you have for your business? Now isn’t there someone in the world who, if they were willing to support you, would make that goal a reality almost immediately?  What wouldn’t you be able to accomplish with the right alliance partner or partners?

Creating win-win joint ventures for a single project is a great skill. Creating an alliance that can last a lifetime, and that benefits everyone connected with it is an art form.

The Passion Test

“I choose to work with Janet and Chris Attwood because I trust them, they are fun to work with and I know they will follow through on the things we do together.”

Co-author,The Success Principles(TM) and Co-creator of the mega book empire, Chicken Soup for the Soul®

The Passion Test

“Janet and Chris Attwood have the uncanny ability to attract the very best kind of people. I love working with them because I know that the relationships we structure will be lasting ones.”

Founder of Centerpointe Research with over 200,000 customers worldwide

Using These Techniques We’ve Created Alliance Relationships with People Like…

Marci Shimoff: Co-creator of Your Year of Miracles, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of six Chicken Soup for the Soul books, Happy for No Reason, and Love for No Reason
Stephen M.R. Covey: Former CEO of Covey Leadership Center who masterminded the merger with Franklin Quest to create Franklin Covey and the author of The Speed of Trust.
Rhonda Byrne: Executive Producer of The Secret and #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Secret, The Power, and The Magic
Jack Canfield: Co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series and author of the bestselling book, The Success Principles, with more than 100 million books in print.
Bob Roth: CEO of the David Lynch Foundation, meditation teacher for Oprah, Ray Dalio, Katy Perry, Ellen DeGeneris, and many more, New York Times bestselling author of Strength in Stillness
Dr. John Gray: #1 New York Times bestselling author of Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, the bestselling relationship book of all time.
The Passion Test

“Through my alliance with Janet & Chris I was able to bring thousands of students into my organization in the U.S. which has produced millions of dollars in revenue.”

#1 NY Times bestselling author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and Founder of Peak Potentials Training

The Passion Test

“You guys are awesome!!! And it’s been such a joy working with you. When I think of you, I think Integrity, Love, Passion, Persistence, and Steadiness. I count you both as two of my friends for life. Janet and Chris have quietly effective spirits that evoke results.”

#1 NY Times bestselling author of Creating Wealth and Nothing Down

Here’s What’s Covered in this Comprehensive Program

  • The first thing you must do before you even think of setting up an alliance. Skipping this step is like trying to launch the space shuttle without the fuel pods.
  • Why joint ventures and alliances are essential to your business success, and how to avoid leaving TONS of money on the table by not using them properly.
  • The essential ingredients in creating win/win alliances. Miss any of these and your chances of failure skyrocket.
  • Step-by-step instructions. Whether you’re a pro, or just starting out, you’ll learn the proper way to set up successful alliances.
  • The 5 secrets to knowing who to partner with. Choose the correct partner for more enjoyable alliances.
  • Proven strategies to overcome your fears, blocks and internal obstacles, the only thing standing in your way is you – here are the tools to get you to MOVE.
  • What you must know to make sure a potential partner never steals your ideas, it’s a simple straightforward way to protect yourself.
  • Tips and techniques to determine what product or service will get the best response – if your offer isn’t properly targeted, it doesn’t matter how great it is – it won’t fly.
  • The number one key to getting past the gatekeepers. Do this wrong and your chances of success plummet.
  • The 3 key secrets to opening the door to a new relationship, your first impression is crucial – these secrets make it foolproof.
  • What to say and what not to say when approaching a potential partner, so they give you their attention rather than show you to the door.
  • Three secrets you need to know to be accepted by your potential partner, just because you get a meeting doesn’t mean you’ll get the deal – these secrets tilt the odds in your favor.
  • Four simple steps to attract your perfect partner.  You don’t want to work with people who will drive you crazy – this process ensures that you won’t.
  • 7 essential questions to ask any potential alliance partner to find out potential problems BEFORE you sign on the dotted line.
  • A simple way to know if your partner has compatible values, there’s nothing worse than working with someone you can’t trust.


The Passion Test

“"This tremendously valuable step by step course has given me the clarity, confidence and knowledge to create and nurture alliances based on all that is important to me and in alignment with my passions. My first workshop with a partner is starting in September – I am so excited! It is a rare treat for me to be learning from someone so successful in the material world and yet so deeply anchored in the heart. You are truly inspiring role models! Thank you so much!" ”

Alliance Secrets Student

You’ll Also Discover How to…

  • Structure list sharing agreements with internet marketers, so you can profit online.
  • Connect across cultures. The internet allows you to easily connect with people all across the world. Learn what to do to avoid offending your partner.
  • Broker joint ventures. Learn how to create another income stream by introducing people.
  • Make sure everyone gets a fair share of the money when everyone’s happy you do more business.
  • How to discover what your potential partner needs, this is crucial to the success of your proposal – and for getting them to come back to you again and again.
  • Include the four elements that must be part of any alliance agreement so that no one is left out and you don’t open yourself up for BIG problems.
The Passion Test

“"I followed the simple and transformational templates that Chris and Janet provided and was stunned at how smoothly the initial calls were. The step-by-step, down to earth process has integrity and a natural flow which encourages connection and trust, right from the first. Sure, I was nervous calling successful millionaires – but I felt so solid in the foundation Chris and Janet had given us that I actually enjoyed the calls. Every person I talked to wants to explore the possibilities further – and two are even happily calling their colleagues to get involved – and it was their idea!" ”

Alliance Secrets Student

Actual Business Results These Alliance Secrets Have Produced

THE SECRET - It’s been featured on Oprah, Larry King Live, CNN and the Today Show. Over 1,000,000 people have vewed the DVD and there are 3.75 million copies of the book in print. It has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenues. Using the law of attraction and the Alliance Secrets principles, Executive Producer Rhonda Byrne connected with and interviewed more than 50 leading teachers, speakers and thinkers in the making of this incredible film.
A popular personal trainer wasn’t satisfied with how his business was growing. Using these methods he built a marketing team that turned him into the fastest growing trainer in North America. The result? New business worth many millions of dollars and partners who earned $100,000 or more by supporting his expansion.
A healing professional with a remarkable program increased his sales by over $685,000 in nine months
Tellman Knudson was an unknown, broke hypnotherapist living in Vermont. When he started, Tellman worked out of a makeshift office in his front room, with a fan that rattled, and a CD drive that he had to take out and shake to make it work. Using these principles he created an online marketing business that generated over $800,000 in sales in just 8 months – starting from zero, built a list of 25,000, and attracted Jay Abraham, one of the top marketing gurus in the Western world, to join his marketing team. If Tellman was able to achieve these kinds of results, what could you create?

What Are You in Pre-Production For?

Let today be the beginning of YOUR ability to create anything you choose to have in your life. We look forward to supporting you in that creation. If you are committed to living your passions, then this program is a critical component in turning your passions into profitable streams of income to support you in living the passionate, turned on life you deserve.


Alliance Secrets is Not Just About Making More Money…

But it’s a very nice side effect 🙂

Creating Enlightened Alliances is about creating enlightened relationships. Is there any part of your life which is not touched by the quality of your relationships? With the knowledge in this program, you have the keys to open the door to wonderful relationships in any area of your life.

You can use your “Alliance Secrets” training to improve so much more than business.

  • Is there a local charity you would like to help?  Imagine what you could do for them if you implemented the strategies you learn here.
  • What about the Little League or your favorite community organization?
  • What would your world be like if it were filled with relationships in which every participant benefited?

As you begin to really “own” these strategies, you’ll keep discovering more and more new and beneficial ways to use them. The possibilities are endless. Alliance Secrets will change your life for the better in ways you simply cannot even fathom right now. Every part of this course has been designed with one specific purpose – to teach you the art of getting what you want, whenever you want, using other people’s time, money, energy, and resources.

It’s Your Road Map to Success.

In this material we have broken down each stage of creating an alliance, and what to do in each stage from the initial approach, to how to structure your first meetings, to the keys to creating a formal agreement, to what you need to do to maintain your alliance relationships over time.

The Passion Test

“What Chris and Janet taught me was my missing link. Because of our alliance relationship we have been able to go back and transform young people's lives. What I've discovered is that their alliance and relationship building principles are the solution to getting everything you want, however, you must first have a genuine desire to improve the alliance partners' life.”

Alliance Secrets Student

Here’s What You Get…

27 Short Introductory Video Lessons:: These short, easy to understand videos will introduce you to every aspect of creating enlightened alliances giving you a quick introduction to how it's done
7 In-Depth Training Sessions : These audio sessions are chock full of the nitty gritty details you need to set up your Alliances. (Each of these sessions is valued at $197)
3 Mastermind Calls: Each of these mastermind call will have a real-live case study. There’s no theory here, just solid practical advice. (valued at $147 each)
4 Additional Bonus Calls: While the principles of creating enlightened alliances are the same in any area, there are unique aspects to certain arenas and some very special tips we share on these calls. On these bonus calls we cover:1. Creating Alliances in the corporate world2. Creating Alliances with internet marketers3. How to create a Strategic Attraction Plan to attract your perfect partners4. The Super Secret Method real masters use to create breakthrough results
12 Additional Audio Mastermind Calls: You’ll be able to hear how to apply the Alliance Secrets principles to real situations. (valued at $600)
Comprehensive Training Manual: Brief and detailed outlines of each of the 7 in-depth lesson, edited lesson content, main points of each lesson and homework to begin applying the principles you’re learning (almost 200 pages of powerful, practical knowledge).

We normally charge $1,000 per hour to consult on creating alliances. When this course was originally taught, participants paid $2,500 to take part in this rich and powerful program. As a special offer to support you as a coach the full price of this program is ONLY $297--AS LONG AS YOU ENROLL TODAY. Otherwise, you'll pay the regular $997 price.


If the fulfillment of your passion depends on leveraging relationships with others then we hope you’ll choose in favor of your passions and invest in Alliance Secrets.

With love and appreciation,

Janet Bray Attwood
 Heart-centered global transformational leader and New York Times bestselling author.
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The Passion Test

“What made your lessons particularly useful, was the fact that I could follow the sequential development of ideas, to see and understand the structure and connectedness of the steps. This, to me, is what makes your calls so very different — coherently and compellingly presented steps. Very expertly layered content and stories. Your ability to do this provides a quality beyond mere information.”

Alliance Secrets Student

The Passion Test

“One benefit I got out of the program was an understanding of things I did not do when I entered a partnership that led to my being sued last year and was so terribly stressful for me. The alliance class became a way for me to evaluate the past and hopefully prevent future errors in alliance partnerships...”

Alliance Secrets Student

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